Category Archives: VMware

ESXi 4.0 Error attempting to install Windows 2008 R2 on Dell PowerEdge Server

Recently I was attempting to install a new copy of Windows 2008 R2 Standard Edition on a customer’s ESXi machine. Although I was currently running many different operating systems on the server, I was surprised to see that I could not install 2008. I received the error “0xc000035a Attempting to load a 64-bit application, however […]

None of my NICs work in ESXi 4.x!

I’ve been driving myself nuts for the last couple of days trying to figure out why none of the NICs that I had previously used in ESXi 3.0 and 3.5 aren’t working on my latest ESXi 4.0 installs. I checked the HCL to find that nearly all of the 10/100 chipsets have been removed from […]