IT Services for Schools

Are you an educational organization in need of IT support? Do you want IT expertise but can’t afford to hire someone in-house? Well, Greenwire is here to provide affordable, excellent IT solutions for schools so you don’t have to worry.

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About Greenwire

Let’s start with communication services. The days of analog telephone communications are soon to be in the past. Greenwire provides state-of-the-art digital communications solutions to take your organization into the future. 

Greenwire provides your organization with LAN (Local Area Networks) and WAN (Wide Area Networks) networks to ensure everyone in your school or organization can communicate at a moment’s notice. 

Do you need to call a fellow teacher or maybe even a parent? Do it all through the internet from your laptop or desktop. Greenwire will handle the systems so that you can focus on your community. 

Why Choose Greenwire

Greenwire is the company of choice to provide the IT solutions your educational organization deserves and needs.

Call Greenwire today to learn more about our solutions for educational organizations. 

239-444-5522 Get Started


Get Expert Help From Trusted Professionals.

Our knowledgeable technology professionals have years of experience in residential, commercial, corporate, educational, and government industries.

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